2020 SAQ Dressage Spectacular
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2020 SAQ Dressage Spectacular
On Saturday 15th of August, Standardbred Association Queensland held the second event at our new home grounds at the Marburg Showgrounds and the first on our new sand arena.
Despite concerns that COVID 19 would reduce entries and a less-than-favourable weather forecast for the day discourage competitors, the 2020 SAQ Dressage Spectacular was well attended with 18 horse and rider combinations.
During the day we experienced the four seasons, from overcast and cool, to impressive wind gusts, rain and even some small hail and then emerging into bright sunshine. And despite the challenges of both weather and the additional measures required for a Covid-safe event, the day was quite successful and feedback from competitors was positive. We are settling in well to our new home grounds.
Whilst horses from all breeds were welcome to attend, the majority of horses ridden in the Preparatory to Novice level tests were our beloved Standardbreds. Beautifully presented, they showcased the versatility and temperament of the breed, even in the most challenging of weather conditions that destroyed two gazebos and thoroughly drenched our judge and penciller.
After the storm, the sun emerged, bright and beautiful, allowing us to finish the day on a high, but soggy note.
We would like to acknowledge and thank our judge, Christine Girling, who soldiered on in very difficult circumstances and also the volunteers and competitors and sponsors for making this year’s Dressage Spectacular such as success.
The 2020 SAQ Dressage Spectacular was proudly supported by the QRIC Racing Animal Welfare Grants Program. #qric_ewp @equinewelfareprogram
The proceeds of the sale of images in this gallery go to Standardbred Association Queensland.
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Photography by Linda Zupanc, daZoop DESIGNS
This gallery is proudly sponsored by daZoop DESIGNS.