Seamless Re-homing Process with SAQ Horse Placement Program:

Curious about how to start the re-homing process for your retired racehorses? The Standardbred Association of Queensland (SAQ) Horse Placement Program offers a straightforward and efficient process to ensure your horses find loving forever homes.

To begin, simply complete the Horse to re-home application form and submit it to SAQ along with the required photos of the horse. Once SAQ receives all the relevant information, they create an online profile for the horse and promote it through various channels, including social media.

What happens next? SAQ discusses the horse with prospective adopters and aims to match each horse with a suitable adoptive owner. Throughout this process, SAQ maintains open communication with trainers, providing updates and support along the way.

One common question trainers have is whether their horse needs to be broken to saddle before re-homing. The answer is no. SAQ has members eager to adopt Standardbreds, and the horse does not need to be started under saddle prior to adoption. SAQ can provide contacts for members who may need assistance in this area, offering support and advice as needed.

The length of time it takes to find a new home for a horse can vary depending on various factors, such as the horse’s age, temperament, and current demand. While some horses may find homes quickly, others may take longer, but SAQ remains dedicated to finding the perfect match for each horse.

In circumstances where a trainer needs the horse moved urgently, SAQ may offer temporary foster care through its re-homing program, ensuring the horse’s safety and well-being during the transition period.

With the SAQ Horse Placement Program, re-homing your retired racehorses is a seamless process, guided by a team dedicated to their welfare and future happiness.

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