The SAQ 2024 Dressage Clinic held on Saturday 13 April 2024, was a great day. Facilitated by Trudy Dougall, a respected EA Level 2 and Queensland Off the Track approved coach, riders came to improve their dressage skills before the SAQ Dressage Spectacular, scheduled for Saturday 18th May 2024.

With a capacity of 14 rider places, the clinic offered seven sessions, each lasting 45 minutes and accommodating two riders. This setup ensured that participants received personalized attention and practical instruction tailored to their individual needs. Trudy’s expertise shone through as she provided hands-on coaching and tailored feedback, creating a supportive learning environment.

13 riders with dressage skills from preparatory to novice, enjoyed the clinic. From beginners seeking to establish a solid foundation to more experienced competitors aiming for fine-tuning, each participant benefited from Trudy’s adaptable teaching approach. Her ability to address the specific challenges faced by riders at different proficiency levels ensured that everyone made tangible progress in their dressage riding.

Feedback from both Trudy Dougall and the participants was overwhelmingly positive. Riders appreciated the opportunity to learn from a respected coach and told of ‘light bulb’ moments due to Trudy’s keen eye and her ability to communicate complex concepts in an accessible manner. The calm and friendly atmosphere of the clinic further enriched the experience for all involved.

It was great to see ten Standardbred horses among the participants. Despite their harness racing background, these versatile horses continue to show us their adaptability and willingness to excel in ridden disciplines after their racing careers.

Participants left the SAQ 2024 Dressage Clinic with enhanced skills and a renewed sense of confidence and motivation to go home and practice what they had learned. With the SAQ 2024 Dressage Spectacular on the horizon, these riders are poised to showcase their newfound skills with thanks to Trudy’s wisdom and experience.

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