2024 Show Prep Clinic

The Standardbred Association Queensland Show Prep Clinic hit the mark, drawing in 13 participants and their horses for a practical session on getting ready for the upcoming show season. The event, hosted by SAQ and presented by Karen Head Morris, delivered a straightforward and effective training program, ensuring attendees left with concrete skills for the competitive arena.

The clinic zeroed in on the nitty-gritty of horse preparation, covering grooming techniques and presentation essentials. Participants got their hands dirty, working on their horses in grooming stations to fine-tune their skills and ensure their equine companions were show-ready. The atmosphere was friendly and collaborative, with Karen sharing practical tips to up their grooming game.

Aside from grooming, the clinic tackled ring etiquette and presentation tricks. Karen, being a seasoned expert dished out advice on navigating the show ring, providing participants with practical insights into the do’s and don’ts of showmanship. The emphasis was on straightforward, actionable tips that could make a real difference in a competitive setting.

As the SAQ Show Prep Clinic wrapped up, participants left with a tangible sense of accomplishment and newfound confidence. Their horses were well-groomed, and their grasp of show etiquette had been sharpened, setting the stage for success in upcoming competitions. The clinic proved that a no-nonsense approach to knowledge-sharing and community-building in the equestrian world can leave a lasting impact on the path to success in the show ring.

Keep an eye on the SAQ website at www.saq.com.au/calendar for updates on our upcoming events. And mark your calendars because our next clinic, a dressage clinic, is scheduled for April. Stay tuned for details on how to register and further enhance your equestrian skills with SAQ.

Image credit: Teichmann Photography