- This event has passed.
SAQ 2024 Dressage Spectacular
18 May 2024

The 2024 SAQ Dressage Spectacular is open to all breeds and SAQ members and non-members and features the 2024 SAQ State Dressage Championships.
Entries are limited to 40 nominations, so please nominate early to avoid missing out. Nominations via Nominate.
Download the 2024 Dressage Spectacular program here.
IMPORTANT: SAQ does NOT use the current EA tests.
Please click the links below to download the tests that will be used on the day. Class level definitions are listed below the tests.
Class D1 – Beginner Preparatory
Class D2 – Open Preparatory
Class D3 – Beginner Preliminary
Class D4 – Open Preliminary
Class D5 – Novice
Beginner Preparatory Level – Exhibit must not have attempted more than 10 tests in any competition and have not placed as Champion at any dressage competition. Exhibits must not have attained a score greater than 60% at this level.
Open Preparatory Level – Open to all horses at Preparatory Level.
Beginner Preliminary Level – Exhibit must not have attained a score greater than 60% at this level and have not placed as Champion at Beginner Prelim level or above at any Dressage Competition.
Open Preliminary Level – Open to all horses at Preliminary Level.
Novice Level – Open to all horses at Novice Level.
(Open to Standardbreds only)
If a horse and rider combination nominate for both the Open Classes and the SAQ State Championship they will ride their 2 nominated tests once but they will count for both competitions, additional tests will not be required. You must nominate for the 2024 SAQ State Dressage Championships by close of nominations for this event.
Additional Rosettes and Prizes will be awarded for these Championships.
Open Dressage Program – Open to all breeds
- Ribbons to 1st – 6th in each test
- Trophies Overall 1st – 3rd each class
- Judges Choice Trophy
- Encouragement Trophy
SAQ State Dressage Championship – Open to Standardbreds only
- Rosettes to 1st – 6th in each test
- Champion in each class (Champion Rosettes)
- Reserve Champion in each class (Reserve Champion Rosettes)
- SAQ High Point Rug and Sash at each dressage level (Prep, Prelim, Novice)
- SAQ Adoption Horse Trophy
Don’t forget to fill out your Horse Health Declaration and bring it with you on the day.
- Nomination for this event confirms your acceptance of these terms and conditions and any other SAQ guidelines that apply for this event (i.e. Horse Welfare policy etc.) – see SAQ website for full copy of rules.
- This competition is run under the rules and guidelines of PCAQ 2022 Rules for Dressage and Combined Training, with the exception of dress/uniform of the rider 2022-Rules-for-Dressage-Combined-Training.pdf (ponyclubqld.com.au)
- Dress Code for riders: As per current EA Dressage Queensland rules (Section 5: CLEAN_NATIONAL_DRESSAGE_RULES_1_JULY_2022 updated 19082022.pdf (equestrian.org.au) )
- Competitors disobeying these rules may be disqualified from this event without refund of nominations.
- No refunds after closing date, except with vet or medical certificate. Admin fee of $20.00 will be deducted. Contact for scratching is Emily Turner.
- Standardbred Association of Queensland always expects all those involved in equestrian sport to adhere to our Code of Conduct and to acknowledge and accept that the welfare of the horse must be paramount and must never be subordinated to competitive or commercial influences.
- The age of the horse is of 1st January the horse must be at least:
- four (4) years to jump in competitions
- three (3) years to compete in dressage competitions (both official and unofficial).
- The organising committee reserves the right to cancel any class; add or combine classes; alter times; refuse any entry with or without stating the reason.
- Neither the organising committee of this event nor the SAQ accepts any responsibility whatsoever for any accident, damage, injury or illness to horses, riders, ground spectators or any other person or property. By entering this event you understand and acknowledge that horse sports are a dangerous activity and that horses can act in a sudden and unpredictable (changeable) way, especially if frightened or hurt. You understand and acknowledge that serious INJURY or DEATH may result from horse sport activities. You agree to PARTICIPATE AT YOUR OWN RISK and have read, understood, and agree with the Terms & Conditions and the Liability Waiver provided during at the time of nomination.
- Any event protests for this event must be submitted to the managing committee in writing by completing the appropriate form, within 30 minutes of an incident occurring and, a $100 fee will apply. Investigations will only be undertaken following the payment of the fee. The fee will only be refunded if the protest is upheld.
- All junior participants (under 18 years) must be accompanied by a parent/guardian throughout the entire event.
- Complying helmets and boots must be worn. Strictly no helmet/no boots = no ride.
- Stallions/Colts are permitted but must always be supervised/ridden by persons 18yo or over. Display of EA Stallion disks are encouraged.
- Hendra vaccinations are not compulsory for this event.
- All horses must present for this competition performance enhancing drug free.
- Completed Liability Forms and Horse Health Declarations forms must be submitted by all participants upon arrival at the event.
- A rider may enter and ride more than one horse; however, classes will not be held up and officials will not be asked to hold horses. One horse can only be ridden in one level and division. No trainer or any rider other than the nominated rider can ride a horse on the day of any Official Competition. Only one rider per horse is permitted at any event.
- Gear check is required by all riders before riding. Rider must have their gear checked 20 mins prior to their class. Failure to present on time for gear check may result in disqualification without refund of nominations.
- Event Draw will be published on the SAQ Website prior to the event. Please present at registration desk immediately on arrival with more than 30 minutes until your scheduled test time.
- Numbers will be capped at 40 Competitors.
- Dressage Test Callers are allowed for all tests.
- Each rider is required to nominate a helper for up to one hour or pay a Helper Fee of $15. Please include the name of helper on the nomination form. By nominating you are also agreeing to either Pencil/Steward or supply a helper during the event or having your entry amended to HC.
- Non SAQ Members can participate in this event by paying our Day Membership Fee of $15 (option available when nominating through www.nominate.com.au). If you wish to participate in more than 2 events you will need to upgrade your Membership to Junior ($45), Single ($60) or Family ($95) Membership.
Additional Rules which apply for 2024 SAQ State Dressage Championships
- The 2024 SAQ Dressage State Championship is open to all Purebred Standardbreds only.
- You are only eligible to nominate for the State Championship if you have also nominated for the Open Dressage Program, as you need to ride these classes to obtain your score for the State Championship.
- Riders will ride their 2 nominated tests once. If a horse and rider combination nominate for both the Open Dressage Classes and the SAQ State Dressage Championship they will ride the nominated tests once and they will count for both competitions, (additional tests will not be required) and be eligible for Additional Prizes & Awards.
- You must nominate for the 2024 SAQ State Dressage Championships by close of nominations.